Bon Cadeau – Découverte Parfumée 50 ML (N)


Treat your loved one to a tailored perfume creation workshop! Le Studio des Parfums offers gift vouchers valid for 1 year, available in digital or printed versions, so that your guest can discover what goes on behind the scenes in the perfume industry. Your friend will leave with an exclusive perfume 50ml that reflects his or her personality.


Cet atelier de parfum personnalisé, permettra à votre invité(e) de découvrir en immersion l’univers confidentiel des parfums de niche. L’atelier débutera sur une introduction interactive au monde de la parfumerie, initiée par nos parfumeurs passionnés. Votre invité(e) sentira par la suite, les nombreuses notes proposées par Le Studio des Parfums dans les différentes catégories de notes de fond, notes de cœur et notes de tête qui lui seront expliquées lors de l’introduction. La personne qui recevra le bon bénéficiera, tout au long du processus de création, de conseils avisés et du savoir-faire de nos parfumeurs, qui sauront l’accompagner dans ses choix, ainsi que dans le dosage et dans l’harmonie de sa fragrance. À l’issue de cette expérience, il(elle) repartira avec son parfum sur mesure, présenté dans un joli flacon : symbole éternel de ce voyage au cœur de la Parfumerie Française.

More information

  • The workshops are conducted in French and English.
  • Mini-group workshop (6-8 participants max)
  • Duration of the workshop: 1h45 - 2h
  • Accompanying persons are not allowed (with some exceptions)
  • Reservations for the workshops that are scheduled on weekdays are movable up to 48 hours before the actual date. Reservations for the workshops on weekends and holidays are neither cancellable nor movable unless there is a valid justifiable reason.
  • Following the workshop, a creation number will be assigned to your perfume. It will allow you to reorder your fragrance.
  • All our compositions comply with the regulations in place
  • Additional options are available to enhance your olfactory experience
  • Deadlines for the delivery of gift vouchers: Day+1/Day+2
  • The automatic sending email of the gift voucher takes place between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. - If you do not provide a precise time


  • Reservations for the workshops that are scheduled on weekdays are movable up to 48 hours before the actual date. Reservations for the workshops on weekends and holidays are neither cancellable nor movable unless there is a valid justifiable reason.
  • Once the order has been placed, you have 14 days from the order date to make your refund request. Please send your refund request to the email address: You need to make a request before 14 days to get it considered.

Please fill the below information:

(Recipient will receive the gift card on selected date)

Characters: (0/300)

Send by email to the recipient
We will send the gift voucher to the recipient's e-mail address.
Printed and sent by post (€7 - option to be selected below)
Your gift voucher will be printed in an envelope with a delicate wax seal