Courant juin 2023, une nouvelle page s’est tournée. L’équipe du Studio des Parfums s’agrandit et s’installe dans de nouveaux locaux, près de la place de la Bastille. This new home accommodates the marketing and design teams, as well as the laboratory and its new weighing room. The move to these new facilities marks an exciting step forward for Studio des Parfums, allowing for enhanced collaboration and innovation in crafting unique fragrances.
A key step for the company's growth
Moving the marketing and laboratory teams was a significant challenge, but this relocation marks an important milestone in the company's sustainability. This event brings forth numerous benefits.
Improved Workspace
Our much larger offices will enable the teams to draw new inspiration and thus offer you a multitude of creations.
Another new aspect: each department has its dedicated space, allowing for better organization and planning.
Coworking has also been implemented, fostering excellent team cohesion. As a result, the marketing team can learn from the perfumers' anecdotes to share with you the absolute passion that drives the Studio des Parfums.
A new laboratory: a source of inspiration
Our team of talented perfumers works with passion to offer you unique and captivating fragrances.
Chaque création est le fruit d’un travail minutieux, alliant expertise et créativité. Nous sélectionnons les ingrédients les plus précieux et les associons de manière harmonieuse pour donner vie à des parfums qui éveillent vos sens et racontent votre histoire.
C’est pourquoi notre laboratoire interne est un véritable terrain de jeu pour l’innovation parfumée.
Nous repoussons sans cesse les limites de l’art de la formulation pour vous offrir des fragrances uniques et inoubliables.