Perfume blog

qu est ce que le layering en parfumerie

The term layering in perfumery

Le “layering” en parfumerie, offre une approche innovante pour créer des compositions olfactives uniques et personnalisées. Cette tendance olfactive très en vogue correspond totalement aux envie des amateurs de parfums en quête d’individualité et...

actualites parfum

Five undeniable advantages of tailor-made perfume

Êtes-vous passionné par l’univers des parfums mais lassé de partager votre sillage personnel avec d’autres ? Aspirez-vous à créer une essence qui soit le miroir de votre âme ? Alors, pourquoi ne pas vous...

famille olfactive des floraux

Perfumery vocabulary

Today, we explore the singular lexicon of perfumery, a complex and delicate universe closely associated with music.

flacons murano parfum paris

The perfume bottles

The perfume bottle, much more than a simple receptacle, is a veritable work of art in its own right, spanning the ages of human history. From ancient Egypt, where it accompanied the deceased on their journey...

champ matieres premieres parfumerie

Perfume duel: Natural versus Synthetic

With the rise of organic products, consumers are taking a closer look at ingredients and components. Chemical products are now viewed with suspicion by consumers. As a result, the term "chemical" is...

hommage a Monique Remy fondatrice du laboratoire LMR

Tribute to Monique Rémy

"A revolutionary woman in a man's world" is how Monique Rémy, a pioneer of natural ingredients in Grasse, described herself. Since 2006, Le Studio des Parfums has owned around fifty perfumes and...

famille olfactive des hesperide

The Hesperidae olfactory family

In perfumery, there are seven olfactory families that differentiate the thousand and one fragrances available on the market. In this article, you'll discover the unique characteristics of the citrus family, which is the olfactory family...

un parfum sur mesure pour la saint valentin

Which perfume to give for Valentine's Day?

A romantic holiday par excellence, Valentine's Day is the best time of the year to give a precious gift to your loved one. Choose a perfume in particular, a luxurious product to match your love, for...

la parfumerie dans l'histoire

The amber-oriental olfactory family

The 1990s saw a boom in modern perfumery, with an ever-increasing number of creations. It was against this backdrop, initiated by the Société Française des Parfumeurs (S.F.P.), that the classification of olfactory families...

champagne blanc de blanc

Spirits in perfumery

Did you know that the world of spirits and perfumery are intimately linked? In this article, Le Studio des Parfums explains the synergy between these 2 worlds. Spirits are used to complement...

matiere premiere parfumerie

The floral family

The most flattering fragrance in the history of perfumery is indeed floral, and it still whispers in our ears about how sublime we look, all day long. Today Le Studio des Parfums tells you all about it...

les differentes facons de se parfumer

How to wear your perfume and make it last?

A fragrance is a trademark, an olfactory identity, a signature. Its scents become part of you, affirming your mood and your personality. So it's essential that it fits your skin despite...

famille olfactive chypres

Chypre perfumes

The history of chypre perfumes begins in ancient Egypt. Oak moss, the founding element of these fragrances, was used to beautify mummies. Far from this funerary use, moss powders were used in the...

parfum et savoir faire francais

Perfume as part of France's heritage

"Perfume is part of France's heritage and is deeply linked to its history. During the Ancien Régime, under the reign of Louis XV, etiquette prescribed wearing a different perfume every day. To...

demenagement le studio des parfums

A new page has been turned

In June 2023, a new page turned. The Studio des Parfums team is expanding and moving to new premises, near Place de la Bastille. This new cradle welcomes the marketing and design team, as well as...

Les troubles de l odorat

Different smell disorders

In this blog post, we are going to see the different smell disorders. Since the Covid-19 crisis, many people have been subject to losing this sense. Some found it, some didn't. Others...

le parfum lie a la musique

Perfume is closely linked to music

Perfume finds its place in music. Indeed, the lexical field of music is used to evoke the olfactory universe. In addition to being linked by words, these two fields of art are...

Blog Parfum de niche et parfums sur mesure

Niche perfumes and bespoke perfumes

In our modern societies, originality is increasingly valued and seen as a strength. In the field of perfumery as well, so-called "conventional" or "standard" perfumes are gradually being abandoned in favor of...

parfum coco chanel sephora

Are perfumes gender specific?

Stereotypes persist, even in the world of perfume. Even today, perfume store aisles are divided into a men's section on one hand and a women's section on the other, within which...

partenariat darius

Le Studio des Parfums supports "Darius."

Le Studio des Parfums sponsorise la pièce de théâtre Darius. Le parfum, cette essence magique qui touche nos âmes les plus profondes, devient le protagoniste d’une histoire émouvante dans la célèbre pièce Darius. Inspiré...

team building parfum a versailles

Le Studio des Parfums at Versailles

Une collaboration parfumée Florale, boisée, musquée ou encore sucrée… subtil mélange d’odeurs, Versailles fut à l’origine de création de parfums et inspire encore aujourd’hui les grandes maisons de luxe. Le Château de Versailles et...

orgue a parfum

Custom Perfumes: All You Need to Know

With the multitude of perfumes available in today's market, you might fear blending into the crowd. There's a straightforward solution to this dilemma: personalized perfumes. ...

caracteristique de la famille florale

The Iris, royal flower

Considered sacred by the Egyptians and associated with Greek deities, the Iris has always held a special place across civilizations. It is often linked to the rainbow for its iridescent reflections and...

La Rose dans la parfumerie

The Rose in Perfumery

The rose has a mystical and elusive essence that poets, artists, and perfumers have sought to capture throughout time. Roses are ubiquitous today and a key ingredient in perfumes....

les differentes familles olfactives

The varieties of perfumes

VARIETIES OF FRAGRANCES: AN OLFACTORY EXPLORATION. The world of perfumes is a captivating realm, brimming with enchanting scents and delicate notes. From freshly picked flowers to exotic spices, each fragrance possesses its own unique story and character.

la famille olfactive des aromatiques

The 7 fragrance families

There are primarily 7 fragrance families, based on their direction and distinct character. These fragrance families are axes along which they can be classified, complemented by specific olfactory facets...



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From Monday to Sunday 11am-7pm  


+ 33 (0)1 40 29 90 84


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7, rue des Francs Bourgeois
75004 Paris
Monday to Sunday
11am - 7pm


+ 33 (0)1 40 29 90 84